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Models for the HIUGC_Discovery authority.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A game asset, such as a map or game mode.


Name Type Description
asset_id UUID

The asset's GUID.

version_id UUID

The asset version's GUID.

public_name str

The asset's name.

description str

The asset's description.

files AssetFiles

Information about the files that make up the asset.

contributors tuple[str, ...]

The names of the asset's contributors.

asset_home AssetHome

The asset's home.

asset_stats AssetStats

Statistics about the asset.

inspection_result InspectionResult

The asset's inspection result.

clone_behavior CloneBehavior

The asset's clone behavior.

order int

The asset's order.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Information about the files that make up an asset.


Name Type Description
prefix str

The root path to the asset's files.

file_relative_paths tuple[str, ...]

The relative paths to the asset's files.

prefix_endpoint OnlineUriReference

Details about the endpoint of prefix.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A page of map/mode/prefab search results.


Name Type Description
tags tuple[AssetSearchTagCount, ...]

The tags that appear in the filtered search results.

estimated_total int

The estimated total number of results.

start int

The index of the first result returned.

count int

The number of results requested.

result_count int

The number of results returned.

results tuple[AssetSearchResult, ...]

The search results.

links ReadOnlyDict[Any, Any]



Bases: PascalCaseModel

An individual asset search result.


Name Type Description
asset_id UUID

The UUID of the asset.

asset_version_id UUID

The UUID of the asset version.

name str

The asset's name.

description str

The asset's description.

asset_kind AssetKind

The kind of asset, such as "map".

tags tuple[str, ...]

Keywords for the asset, such as "343i".

thumbnail_url str

The URL of the asset's thumbnail image.

referenced_assets tuple[UUID, ...]

The UUIDs of assets referenced by the asset.

original_author str

The ID of the asset's original author.

likes int

The number of times the asset has been liked.

bookmarks int

The number of times the asset has been bookmarked.

plays_recent int

The number of times the asset has been played recently.

number_of_objects int

The number of objects in a map/prefab asset.

date_created_utc Date

The asset's creation date.

date_modified_utc Date

The asset's modification date.

date_published_utc Date

The asset's publication date.

has_node_graph bool | None

Whether the map has a node graph.

read_only_clones bool

Whether clones of the asset can be modified.

plays_all_time int

The number of times the asset has been played in total.

contributors tuple[str, ...]

The IDs of the asset's contributors.

parent_asset_count int

The number of assets that link to this asset.

average_rating float

The asset's average rating.

number_of_ratings int

The number of ratings the asset has received.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A tag name and count.


Name Type Description
tag str

The tag name.

count int

The number of times the tag appears in the filtered search results.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Statistics about an asset.


Name Type Description
plays_recent int

The number of times the asset has been played recently.

plays_all_time int

The number of times the asset has been played in total.

favorites int

The number of times the asset has been favorited.

likes int

The number of times the asset has been liked.

bookmarks int

The number of times the asset has been bookmarked.

parent_asset_count int

The number of assets that link to this asset.

average_rating float | None

The asset's average rating.

number_of_ratings int

The number of ratings the asset has received.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A date object.


Name Type Description
value datetime

The date value.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A saved film asset for a match.


Name Type Description
film_status_bond FilmStatus

The status, such as "complete", of the film.

custom_data FilmCustomData

Data specific to film assets, such as length and chunks.

blob_storage_path_prefix str

The prefix for the film's blob storage path.

asset_id UUID

The UUID of the film asset.

highlight_events_url: str | None property

Get the URL for the "highlight events" chunk of the film, if available.


Get (chunk, URL) tuples for all film chunks, in order of index.

URLs are public blob storage URLs for downloading the compressed binary chunk data. The first is the film header, the last chunk is highlight events, and all chunks in between are 20-second replication data chunks.


Type Description
list[tuple[FilmChunk, str]]

The chunk and blob storage URL pairs.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A chunk of a saved film.


Name Type Description
index int

The index of the chunk.

chunk_start_time_offset_milliseconds int

The start time of the chunk, in milliseconds.

duration_milliseconds int

The duration of the chunk, in milliseconds.

chunk_size int

The size of the chunk, in bytes.

file_relative_path str

The relative path to the chunk's file.

chunk_type FilmChunkType

The type of chunk - header, replication data, or highlight events.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Custom data related to film assets.


Name Type Description
film_length int

The length of the film, in milliseconds.

chunks tuple[FilmChunk, ...]

The film's chunks.

has_game_ended bool

Whether the game has ended.

manifest_refresh_seconds int


match_id UUID

The UUID of the match.

film_major_version int

The film's major version.


Bases: Asset

A map variant asset.


Name Type Description
custom_data MapCustomData

Custom data related to the map variant.

tags tuple[str, ...]

Keywords for the map variant asset, such as "343i".

prefab_links tuple[Asset, ...] | None

Details about prefabricated assets used by the map variant.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Custom data related to map variant assets.


Name Type Description
num_of_objects_on_map int

The number of objects on the map.

tag_level_id int

The ID of the tag level.

is_baked bool

Whether the map is baked.

has_node_graph bool

Whether the map has a node graph.


Bases: Asset

A map-mode pair asset.


Name Type Description
custom_data ReadOnlyDict[Any, Any]

Custom data related to the map-mode pair.

tags tuple[str, ...]

Keywords for the map-mode pair asset, such as "343i".

map_link Asset | None

Details about the map variant asset.

ugc_game_variant_link Asset

Details about the game variant asset.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A reference to an online resource.


Name Type Description
authority_id str

The ID of the authority that hosts the resource.

path str

The path to the resource, relative to the authority's host.

query_string str | None

The query string of the resource's URL.

retry_policy_id str

The ID of the retry policy to use when accessing the resource.

topic_name str

The name of the topic to use when accessing the resource.

acknowledgement_type_id int

The ID of the acknowledgement type to use when accessing the resource.

authentication_lifetime_extension_supported bool

Whether the resource supports extending the lifetime of an authentication token.

clearance_aware bool

Whether the resource is clearance aware.


Bases: Asset

A playlist asset.


Name Type Description
custom_data PlaylistCustomData

Custom data related to the playlist.

tags tuple[str, ...]

Keywords for the playlist asset, such as "343i".

rotation_entries tuple[RotationEntry, ...]

The map-mode pairs in the playlist.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Custom data related to playlist assets.


Name Type Description
playlist_entries tuple[PlaylistEntry, ...]

The map-mode pairs in the playlist.

strategy PlaylistEntrySelectionStrategy

The strategy used to select map-mode pairs in the playlist.

min_teams int

The minimum number of teams needed to make a match.

min_team_size int

The minimum number of team members needed to make a match.

max_teams int

The maximum number of teams allowed in a match.

max_team_size int

The maximum number of team members allowed in a match.

max_team_imbalance int

The allowable difference in team size.

max_splitscreen_players_allowed int

The maximum number of players allowed to play splitscreen.

allow_friend_join_in_progress bool

Whether match players' friends are allowed to join a match in progress.

allow_matchmaking_join_in_progress bool

Whether new players are allowed to join a match in progress.

allow_bot_join_in_progress bool

Whether bots are allowed to join a match in progress.

exit_experience_duration_sec int

The duration of the exit experience, in seconds.

fireteam_leader_kick_allowed bool

Whether fireteam leaders are allowed to kick members.

disable_midgame_chat bool

Whether chat is disabled in game.

allowed_device_inputs tuple[PlaylistDeviceInput, ...]

The input devices allowed in the playlist (KB/M, controller, etc.).

bot_difficulty PlaylistBotDifficulty

The difficulty of bots in the playlist.

min_fireteam_size int

The minimum number of players expected in a fireteam.

max_fireteam_size int

The maximum number of players allowed in a fireteam.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A map-mode pair in a playlist.


Name Type Description
map_mode_pair_asset_id str

The UUID of the map-mode pair asset.

metadata RotationWeight

A weighting for the map-mode pair in the playlist.


Bases: Asset

A map-mode pair in a playlist.


Name Type Description
metadata RotationWeight

A weighting for the map-mode pair in the playlist.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A weighting for a map-mode pair in a playlist.


Name Type Description
weight float

The weight of the map-mode pair in the playlist.


Bases: Asset

A user-generated game variant asset.


Name Type Description
custom_data UgcGameVariantCustomData

Custom data related to the game variant.

tags tuple[str, ...]

Keywords for the game variant asset, such as "343i".

engine_game_variant_link Asset

Details about the mode's engine game variant.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Custom data related to game variant assets.


Name Type Description
key_values ReadOnlyDict[Any, Any]

Key-value pairs of custom data.


Models for the "gamecms_hacs" authority.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Information related to career rank progression.


Name Type Description
reward_track_path str

The relative path to the career rank reward track file.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

The career rank progression reward track.


Name Type Description
track_id str

The reward track's ID.

ranks tuple[CareerRewardTrackRank, ...]

The list of ranks in the reward track.

name TranslatableStringWithStatus

The reward track's name.

description TranslatableStringWithStatus

The reward track's description.

operation_number int

The reward track's operation number.

date_range TranslatableStringWithStatus

The reward track's date range.

is_ritual bool


summary_image_path str

The relative path to the reward track's summary image file.

xp_per_rank int

The amount of XP awarded per rank.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A rank in the career rank progression reward track.

Title, subtitle, and grade can be combined for the rank's full name, e.g., "Sergeant Bronze 2".


Name Type Description
rank int

The rank number.

free_rewards RankRewards

The rewards earned by all players that reach the rank.

paid_rewards RankRewards

The rewards earned by players that purchase the battle pass and reach the rank.

xp_required_for_rank int

The amount of XP required to reach the rank.

rank_title TranslatableStringWithStatus

The rank's title, such as "Private" or "General".

rank_sub_title TranslatableStringWithStatus

The rank's subtitle, such as "Bronze" or "Onyx".

rank_tier TranslatableStringWithStatus

The rank's integer tier/grade - the smallest unit of rank progression.

rank_icon str

The relative path to the rank's icon file. Has a height of 280px.

rank_large_icon str

The relative path to the rank's large icon file. This is the icon presented after a player acheives the rank. Has a height of 600px.

rank_adornment_icon str

The relative path to the rank's adornment icon file. Has a height of 196px.

tier_type str

The rank's tier type, such as "Bronze" or "Onyx".

rank_grade int

The rank's integer grade. Max is 3.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A CSR season.


Name Type Description
csr_season_file_path str

The relative path to the CSR season file. The stem of the path is the CSR season's ID, e.g., "CsrSeason5-1".

start_date Date

The UTC start date of the season.

end_date Date

The UTC end date of the season.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A collection of past and current CSR seasons.


Name Type Description
seasons tuple[CsrSeason, ...]

The list of CSR seasons.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A currency reward, such as an XP boost.


Name Type Description
currency_path str

The relative path to the currency file.

amount int

The quantity of the currency awarded.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A date object.


Name Type Description
value datetime

The date value.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A promotional, reward-track event contained within a CSR season.

Events were superseded by operations as of October 2023.


Name Type Description
reward_track_path str

The relative path to the event's reward track file.

start_date Date

The UTC start date of the event.

end_date Date

The UTC end date of the event.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

An inventory item reward, such as a weapon skin or armor piece.


Name Type Description
inventory_item_path str

The relative path to the inventory item file.

amount int

The quantity of the inventory item awarded.

type str

The type of inventory item, such as "ArmorCoating".


Bases: CamelCaseModel

Metadata for a single medal.


Name Type Description
name_id int

The medal's ID.

name TranslatableString

The medal's name.

description TranslatableString

The medal's description.

sprite_index int

The index of the medal's sprite in the sprite sheet.

sorting_weight int

The medal's sorting weight.

difficulty MedalDifficulty

The medal's difficulty, such as "normal" or "legendary".

type MedalType

The medal's type, such as "mode" or "proficiency".

personal_score int

The amount of personal score awarded by obtaining the medal.


Bases: CamelCaseModel

Metadata for all medals.


Name Type Description
difficulties tuple[str, ...]

The list of possible difficulties.

types tuple[str, ...]

The list of possible types.

sprites SpriteSheets

Information about the medal sprite sheets that contain medal.

medals tuple[Medal, ...]

The list of available medals.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A collection of inventory and currency rewards earned at a rank.


Name Type Description
inventory_rewards tuple[InventoryReward, ...]

The list of inventory item rewards.

currency_rewards tuple[CurrencyReward, ...]

The list of currency rewards.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

An promotional, reward-track operation contained within a CSR season.


Name Type Description
csr_season_file_path str

The relative path to the CSR season file. The stem of the path is the CSR season's ID, e.g., "CsrSeason5-1".

operation_track_path str

The relative path to the operation's reward track file.

season_metadata str

The relative path to the operation metadata file.

start_date Date

The UTC start date of the season.

end_date Date

The UTC end date of the season.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A collection of past and current reward tracks.


Name Type Description
seasons tuple[Season, ...]

The list of "operation" reward tracks.

events tuple[Event, ...]

The list of "event" reward tracks. Events were superseded by operations as of October 2023.

career_rank CareerRank

Information about career rank progression.


Bases: CamelCaseModel

Information about a sprite sheet that contains medal sprites.


Name Type Description
path str

The path to the sprite sheet, relative to the "gamecms_hacs" host.

columns int

The number of columns in the sprite sheet.

size int

The size of each sprite in the sprite sheet.


Bases: CamelCaseModel

Sizes of sprite sheets that contain medal sprites.


Name Type Description
small SpriteSheet

A sprite sheet with small sprites.

medium SpriteSheet

A sprite sheet with medium sprites.

extra_large SpriteSheet

A sprite sheet with extra large sprites.


Bases: CamelCaseModel

A string value accompanied by a dictionary of translations.


Name Type Description
value str

The string value.

translations ReadOnlyDict[str, str]

A dictionary of language codes to translations for the string value.


Bases: CamelCaseModel

A string value accompanied by a dictionary of translations.


Name Type Description
status str

The status of the attribute.

value str

The string value.

translations ReadOnlyDict[str, str]

A dictionary of language codes to translations for the string value.


Models for the "profile" authority.


Bases: BaseModel

URLs to different sizes of a user's gamerpic.


Name Type Description
small str

64x64 PNG

medium str

208x208 PNG

large str

424x424 PNG

xlarge str

1080x1080 PNG


Bases: BaseModel

High-level information about an Xbox Live user.


Name Type Description
xuid int

Xbox user ID.

gamertag str

User's gamertag.

gamerpic GamerPicture

URLs to different sizes of the user's gamerpic.


Models for the "skill" authority.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Expected performance for a given player or skill tier in a match.


Name Type Description
kills float

Expected kills.

deaths float

Expected deaths.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Expected performances for the player and all skill tiers in a match.


Name Type Description
self_counterfactuals Counterfactual

Expected performance for the player.

tier_counterfactuals ReadOnlyDict[Tier, Counterfactual]

Expected performances for all skill tiers.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Container for a player's CSR info.


Name Type Description
value int

The player's CSR value.

measurement_matches_remaining int

The number of matches remaining until the player's CSR is determined.

tier Tier

The player's CSR tier.

tier_start int

The CSR value at which the player's current tier starts.

sub_tier SubTier

The player's CSR sub-tier.

next_tier Tier

The player's next CSR tier.

next_tier_start int

The CSR value at which the player's next tier starts.

next_sub_tier SubTier

The player's next CSR sub-tier.

initial_measurement_matches int

The number of matches required to determine the player's CSR.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Summary of skill data for teams and players in a match.


Name Type Description
value tuple[MatchSkillValue, ...]

List of player skill data entries.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Skill data for a player in a match.


Name Type Description
team_mmr float

The MMR of the player's team.

rank_recap RankRecap

Summary of the player's CSR change.

stat_performances StatPerformances

Comparison of actual to expected values for player performance metrics.

team_id int

The ID of the player's team.

team_mmrs ReadOnlyDict[int, float]

The MMRs of all teams in the match.

ranked_rewards RankedRewards | None

Always null.

counterfactuals Counterfactuals

Expected performances for the player and all skill tiers in a match.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Skill data for a player in a match.


Name Type Description
id str

The player's Xbox Live ID.

result_code SkillResultCode

The status of the skill result.

result MatchSkillResult

Skill data for a player in a match.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Summary of CSR data for players in a playlist.


Name Type Description
value tuple[PlaylistCsrValue, ...]

List of playlist-player CSR entries.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

CSR details for a player in a playlist.


Name Type Description
current CsrContainer

Details on the player's current CSR in the playlist.

season_max CsrContainer

Details on the player's highest CSR in the playlist for the season.

all_time_max CsrContainer

Details on the player's highest CSR in the playlist for all seasons.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Playlist CSR result for a single player.


Name Type Description
id str

The player's Xbox Live ID.

result_code SkillResultCode

The status of the skill result.

result PlaylistCsrResult

CSR details for a player in a playlist.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Summary of the player's CSR change.


Name Type Description
pre_match_csr CsrContainer

The player's CSR details before the match.

post_match_csr CsrContainer

The player's CSR details after the match.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Rewards awarded to players based on skill acheivement.


Name Type Description
reward_id UUID

The ID of the player's reward.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Comparison of actual to expected values for a game metric.


Name Type Description
count int

The actual value.

expected float

The expected value.

std_dev float

The standard deviation between actual and expected values.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Comparison of actual to expected values for game metrics.


Name Type Description
kills StatPerformance

Comparison of actual to expected kills.

deaths StatPerformance

Comparison of actual to expected deaths.


Models for the stats authority.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

ID information about a game asset, such as a map or game mode.


Name Type Description
asset_kind AssetKind

The kind of asset, such as "map variant" or "playlist".

asset_id UUID

The asset's GUID.

version_id UUID

The asset version's GUID.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A count of a medal or personal score award.


Name Type Description
name_id int

The ID of the medal or personal score award.

count int

The number of times the medal or personal score award was earned.

total_personal_score_awarded int

The total personal score awarded by obtaining the medal or personal score award.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for bomb game modes.


Name Type Description
bomb_carriers_killed int

Number of times an enemy bomb carrier was killed.

bomb_defusals int

Number of times a bomb was defused.

bomb_defusers_killed int

Number of times an enemy bomb defuser was killed.

bomb_detonations int

Number of times a bomb was detonated.

bomb_pick_ups int

Number of times a bomb was picked up.

bomb_plants int

Number of times a bomb was planted.

bomb_returns int

Number of times a bomb was returned.

kills_as_bomb_carrier int

Number of kills while carrying the bomb.

time_as_bomb_carrier timedelta

Total time spent carrying the bomb.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Attributes of a bot player.


Name Type Description
difficulty BotDifficulty

The bot's difficulty.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for capture the flag game modes.


Name Type Description
flag_capture_assists int

Number of times contributing to a flag capture.

flag_captures int

Number of times the enemy flag was captured.

flag_carriers_killed int

Number of times an enemy flag carrier was killed.

flag_grabs int

Number of times the enemy flag was grabbed.

flag_returners_killed int

Number of times an enemy flag returner was killed.

flag_returns int

Number of times the team flag was returned.

flag_secures int

Number of times the team flag was secured.

flag_steals int

Number of times stealing a flag.

kills_as_flag_carrier int

Number of kills while carrying the flag.

kills_as_flag_returner int

Number of kills while returning the flag.

time_as_flag_carrier timedelta

Total time spent carrying the flag.


Bases: _CoreStats

Core statistics about a player or team performance in a match.


Name Type Description

Earned points related to the match outcome.


Earned points related to personal performance.


The number of rounds won.


The number of rounds lost.


The number of rounds tied.


The number of kills.


The number of deaths.


The number of assists.

kda float

Kill-death-assist metric (kills + assists / 3 - deaths).

suicides float

The number of suicides.

betrayals float

The number of betrayals.

average_life_duration timedelta

The average time between deaths.

grenade_kills timedelta

The number of kills using grenades.

headshot_kills timedelta

The number of kills with headshots.

melee_kills timedelta

The number of kills with melee or a melee weapon.

power_weapon_kills timedelta

The number of kills with "power" weapons.

shots_fired timedelta

The number of shots fired with weapons.

shots_hit timedelta

The number of shots hit with weapons.

accuracy timedelta

The accuracy of shots fired (shots_fired / shots_hit * 100).

damage_dealt timedelta

The amount of damage dealt.

damage_taken timedelta

The amount of damage taken.

callout_assists timedelta

The number of assists earned by "marking" an enemy.

vehicle_destroys timedelta

The number of vehicles destroyed.

driver_assists timedelta

The number of assists earned by driving a teammate that gets a kill.

hijacks timedelta

The number of times hijacking a vehicle.

emp_assists timedelta

The number of assists earned by EMPing an enemy player or vehicle.

max_killing_spree timedelta

The maximum number of kills without dying.

medals timedelta

Medals earned.

personal_scores timedelta

Personal score awards earned.

spawns timedelta

The number of times spawned.


Bases: _EliminationStats

Performance statistics for elimination game modes.


Name Type Description

Number of times reviving a teammate.


Number of times contributing to an elimination.


Number of times eliminating an enemy.


Number of times denying an enemy revive.


Number of times executing an enemy.


Number of kills as the last player standing.


Number of times killing the last player standing.


Number of rounds survived.


Number of times revived by a teammate.

lives_remaining int | None

Number of lives remaining.

elimination_order int

The order eliminated.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for extraction game modes.


Name Type Description
extraction_conversions_completed int

Number of times converting an extraction zone.

extraction_conversions_denied int

Number of times denying an enemy extraction zone conversion.

extraction_initiations_completed int

Number of times initiating an extraction zone.

extraction_initiations_denied int

Number of times denying an enemy extraction zone initiation.

successful_extractions int

Number of times extracting a zone.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for infection game modes.


Name Type Description
alphas_killed int

Number of times infecting an alpha zombie.

spartans_infected int

Number of times infecting a spartan.

spartans_infected_as_alpha int

Number of times infecting a spartan as an alpha zombie.

kills_as_last_spartan_standing int

Number of kills as the last spartan standing.

last_spartans_standing_infected int

Number of times infecting the last spartan standing.

rounds_as_alpha int

Number of rounds as an alpha zombie.

rounds_as_last_spartan_standing int

Number of rounds as the last spartan standing.

rounds_finished_as_infected int

Number of rounds finished as an infected.

rounds_survived_as_spartan int

Number of rounds survived as a spartan.

rounds_survived_as_last_spartan_standing int

Number of rounds survived as the last spartan standing.

time_as_last_spartan_standing timedelta

Total time spent as the last spartan standing.

infected_killed int

Number of times killing an infected.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A player's match count summary.


Name Type Description
custom_matches_played_count int

The number of custom matches the player has played.

matches_played_count int

The number of matches the player has played.

matchmade_matches_played_count int

The number of matchmade matches the player has played.

local_matches_played_count int

The number of local matches the player has played.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A page of a player's match history.


Name Type Description
start int

The index of the first match in the page. 0 is the most recent match.

count int

The number of matches requested.

result_count int

The actual number of matches in the page.

results tuple[MatchHistoryResult, ...]

The matches in the page.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A match history entry.


Name Type Description
match_id UUID

The match's GUID.

match_info MatchInfo

Information about the match.

last_team_id int

The ID of the last team the player was on.

outcome Outcome

The player's outcome in the match.

rank int

The player's rank in the match.

present_at_end_of_match bool

Whether the player was present at the end of the match.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Information about a match.


Name Type Description
start_time datetime

The UTC datetime when the match started.

end_time datetime

The UTC datetime when the match ended.

duration timedelta

The match's duration.

lifecycle_mode LifecycleMode

The match's lifecycle mode.

game_variant_category GameVariantCategory

The game mode category.

level_id UUID

The ID of the level the match was played on.

map_variant Asset

The map the match was played on.

ugc_game_variant Asset

The game mode the match was played with.

clearance_id UUID

Clearance ID.

playlist Asset | None

The playlist the match was made in, if the match was matchmade.

playlist_experience PlaylistExperience | None

The general category of playlist the match was made in, if the match was matchmade.

playlist_map_mode_pair Asset | None

The map and game mode the match was made in, if the match was matchmade.

season_id str | None

The ID of the season the match was played in, if the match was matchmade.

playable_duration timedelta

The match's playable duration.

teams_enabled bool

Whether teams were enabled in the match.

team_scoring_enabled bool

Whether team scoring was enabled in the match.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Player and team performance details for a match.


Name Type Description
match_id UUID

The match's GUID.

match_info MatchInfo

Information about the match.

teams tuple[TeamStats, ...]

Performance statistics for all teams in the match.

players tuple[PlayerStats, ...]

Performance statistics for all players in the match.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for oddball game modes.


Name Type Description
kills_as_skull_carrier int

Number of kills while carrying the skull.

longest_time_as_skull_carrier timedelta

Longest time spent carrying the skull.

skull_carriers_killed int

Number of times an enemy skull carrier was killed.

skull_grabs int

Number of times the skull was grabbed.

time_as_skull_carrier timedelta

Total time spent carrying the skull.

skull_scoring_ticks int

Number of ticks the skull was held.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Information about a player's participation in a match.


Name Type Description
first_joined_time datetime

The UTC datetime when the player first joined the match.

last_leave_time datetime | None

The UTC datetime when the player last left the match, if the player left the match.

present_at_beginning bool

Whether the player was present at the beginning of the match.

joined_in_progress bool

Whether the player joined the match in progress.

left_in_progress bool

Whether the player left the match in progress.

present_at_completion bool

Whether the player was present at the completion of the match.

time_played timedelta

The amount of time the player was present in the match.

confirmed_participation bool | None

Whether the player's participation was confirmed.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Statistics for a player in a match.


Name Type Description
player_id str

The player's Xbox Live ID.

player_type PlayerType

The player's type, such as "human" or "bot".

bot_attributes BotAttributes | None

Details about bot players, if applicable.

last_team_id int

The ID of the last team the player was on.

outcome Outcome

The player's outcome in the match.

rank int

The player's rank in the match.

participation_info ParticipationInfo

Information about the player's participation in the match.

player_team_stats tuple[PlayerTeamStats, ...]

The player's performance statistics for each team they were on during the match.

is_human: bool property

Whether the player is a human player.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Statistics for a player on a team in a match.


Name Type Description
team_id int

The team's ID.

stats Stats

The player's performance statistics while on the team.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

A player's service record within a given context.


Name Type Description
subqueries ServiceRecordSubqueries

Subquerying options for the service record request.

time_played timedelta

The player's total time played.

matches_completed int

The number of matches the player has completed.

wins int

The number of matches the player has won.

losses int

The number of matches the player has lost.

ties int

The number of matches the player has tied.

core_stats ServiceRecordCoreStats

The player's core performance statistics.

bomb_stats BombStats | None

The player's performance statistics for bomb game modes.

capture_the_flag_stats CaptureTheFlagStats | None

The player's performance statistics for capture the flag game modes.

elimination_stats ServiceRecordEliminationStats | None

The player's performance statistics for elimination game modes.

infection_stats InfectionStats | None

The player's performance statistics for infection game modes.

oddball_stats OddballStats | None

The player's performance statistics for oddball game modes.

zones_stats ServiceRecordZonesStats | None

The player's performance statistics for zones game modes.

stockpile_stats StockpileStats | None

The player's performance statistics for stockpile game modes.


Bases: _CoreStats

Core statistics about a player or team performance in a match.


Name Type Description

Earned points related to the match outcome.


Earned points related to personal performance.


The number of rounds won.


The number of rounds lost.


The number of rounds tied.


The number of kills.


The number of deaths.


The number of assists.

average_kda float

Kill-death-assist metric (kills + assists / 3 - deaths).

suicides float

The number of suicides.

betrayals float

The number of betrayals.

grenade_kills float

The number of kills using grenades.

headshot_kills float

The number of kills with headshots.

melee_kills float

The number of kills with melee or a melee weapon.

power_weapon_kills float

The number of kills with "power" weapons.

shots_fired float

The number of shots fired with weapons.

shots_hit float

The number of shots hit with weapons.

accuracy float

The accuracy of shots fired (shots_fired / shots_hit * 100).

damage_dealt float

The amount of damage dealt.

damage_taken float

The amount of damage taken.

callout_assists float

The number of assists earned by "marking" an enemy.

vehicle_destroys float

The number of vehicles destroyed.

driver_assists float

The number of assists earned by driving a teammate that gets a kill.

hijacks float

The number of times hijacking a vehicle.

emp_assists float

The number of assists earned by EMPing an enemy player or vehicle.

max_killing_spree float

The maximum number of kills without dying.

medals float

Medals earned.

personal_scores float

Personal score awards earned.

spawns float

The number of times spawned.


Bases: _EliminationStats

Performance statistics for elimination game modes.


Name Type Description

Number of times reviving a teammate.


Number of times contributing to an elimination.


Number of times eliminating an enemy.


Number of times denying an enemy revive.


Number of times executing an enemy.


Number of kills as the last player standing.


Number of times killing the last player standing.


Number of rounds survived.


Number of times revived by a teammate.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Subqueries for a service record request.


Name Type Description
season_ids tuple[str, ...] | None

Seasons available for filtering.

game_variant_categories tuple[GameVariantCategory, ...] | None

Game variant categories available for filtering.

is_ranked tuple[bool, ...] | None

Ranked status available for filtering.

playlist_asset_ids tuple[UUID, ...] | None

Playlists available for filtering.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for zones game modes.


Name Type Description
zone_captures int

Number of times capturing a zone.

zone_defensive_kills int

Number of kills defending a zone.

zone_offensive_kills int

Number of kills attacking a zone.

zone_secures int

Number of times securing a zone.

total_zone_occupation_time timedelta

Total time spent in a zone.

zone_scoring_ticks int

Number of ticks a zone was held.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for a player or team in a match.


Name Type Description
core_stats CoreStats

Performance statistics common to all game modes.

bomb_stats BombStats | None

Performance statistics for bomb game modes.

capture_the_flag_stats CaptureTheFlagStats | None

Performance statistics for capture the flag game modes.

elimination_stats EliminationStats | None

Performance statistics for elimination game modes.

extraction_stats ExtractionStats | None

Performance statistics for extraction game modes.

infection_stats InfectionStats | None

Performance statistics for infection game modes.

oddball_stats OddballStats | None

Performance statistics for oddball game modes.

zones_stats ZonesStats | None

Performance statistics for zones game modes.

stockpile_stats StockpileStats | None

Performance statistics for stockpile game modes.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for stockpile game modes.


Name Type Description
kills_as_power_seed_carrier int

Number of kills while carrying a power seed.

power_seeds_deposited int

Number of power seeds deposited.

power_seeds_stolen int

Number of power seeds stolen.

power_seed_carriers_killed int

Number of times an enemy power seed carrier was killed.

time_as_power_seed_carrier timedelta

Total time spent carrying a power seed.

time_as_power_seed_driver timedelta

Total time spent driving a power seed.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Statistics for a team in a match.


Name Type Description
team_id int

The team's ID.

outcome Outcome

The team's outcome in the match.

rank int

The team's rank in the match.

stats Stats

The team's performance statistics.


Bases: PascalCaseModel

Performance statistics for zones game modes.


Name Type Description
stronghold_captures int

Number of times capturing a stronghold.

stronghold_defensive_kills int

Number of kills defending a stronghold.

stronghold_offensive_kills int

Number of kills attacking a stronghold.

stronghold_secures int

Number of times securing a stronghold.

stronghold_occupation_time timedelta

Total time spent in a stronghold.

stronghold_scoring_ticks int

Number of ticks a stronghold was held.