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Download and read Halo Infinite film chunks to extract match data.

read_highlight_events(client, match_id) async

Download and parse the highlight events chunk from a film asset for a given match.

Only human (not bot) players have events available. Bot data is unlikely to be available in the highlight events chunk as they are not observable in theater mode.

Team IDs for the players are not yet available, so it is necessary to join up to match stats data for the information.

Mode-specific details are not available yet, such as a to distinguish a flag capture from a flag return.

Killing AI opponents (such as in Firefight game modes) does not record a highlight event.

There are infrequent cases where not all kill/death events are captured as expected. See for a method of checking outcomes against match stats.


Name Type Description Default
client HaloInfiniteClient

A client for requesting film metadata and downloading film data.

match_id str | UUID

The UUID of the match to read film data for.



Type Description

A list of HighlightEvent instances extracted from the downloaded data.