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Basic Usage


These steps assume you have already obtained spartan and clearance tokens as described here.

Initializing the HaloInfiniteClient

Now that we have the spartan and clearance tokens, we are ready to create a HaloInfiniteClient object. The initializer takes a aiohttp.ClientSession instance and the tokens as arguments. An example is shown below.

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from spnkr import HaloInfiniteClient

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = HaloInfiniteClient(
            # Optional, default rate is 5.

if __name__ == "__main__":

Requesting Data

Now that we have the HaloInfiniteClient initialized, we can begin retrieving data. A simple continuation of the above script is shown below.

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from spnkr import HaloInfiniteClient

# Any of the following are acceptable for the below request.
PLAYER = "xuid(1234567890123456)"  # AuthenticatedPlayer.player_id
PLAYER = "1234567890123456"
PLAYER = 1234567890123456
PLAYER = "MyGamertag"  # AuthenticatedPlayer.gamertag

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = HaloInfiniteClient(...)

        # Request the 25 most recent matches for the player.
        resp = await client.stats.get_match_history(PLAYER)
        # Parse the response JSON into a Pydantic model
        history = await resp.parse()

        # Get the most recent match played and print the start time.
        last_match_info = history.results[0].match_info
        print(f"Last match played on {last_match_info.start_time:%Y-%m-%d}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Calls to HaloInfiniteClient services return aiohttp.ClientResponse wrappers to provide access to the raw response, if needed, while also providing a convenient parse() method to more cleanly access data from the payload as Pydantic models. You can browse the information available in those response models here.

Of course, there are additional methods for retrieving stats, CSR/MMR, and metadata information.


Caching is supported via the aiohttp-client-cache package, which provides a drop-in replacement for aiohttp.ClientSession as aiohttp_client_cache.CachedSession and reduces the number of repeat requests. Below is an example backend configuration, which relies on the "Cache-Control" header available on certain responses. A SQLite backend is used here, but any backend should work.

from aiohttp_client_cache import CachedSession, SQLiteBackend
from spnkr import HaloInfiniteClient

async def filter_by_cache_control(response):
    """Only cache responses with a cache-control header."""
    return "Cache-Control" in response.headers

async def main() -> None:
    cache = SQLiteBackend(
    async with CachedSession(cache=cache) as session:
        client = HaloInfiniteClient(...)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here are the cached response max ages as obtained from sample responses on 1/2/2024:

Service Method Max-Age
discovery_ugc get_map 5 hours
discovery_ugc get_ugc_game_variant 5 hours
discovery_ugc get_playlist 5 hours
discovery_ugc get_map_mode_pair 5 hours
gamecms_hacs get_medal_metadata 1 day
gamecms_hacs get_csr_season_calendar 1 day
gamecms_hacs get_season_calendar 1 day
gamecms_hacs get_career_reward_track 1 day
gamecms_hacs get_image 1 day
stats get_match_stats 1 day

Next: Services